

Our children are very important to us and so we aim to provide an engaging and safe environment for our children and young people. All our children’s workers have a Bluecard. We are also a member of the 'Childsafe’ safety management system.

Kids in church

We love the presence of our children in worship as it adds to the intergenerational power of worship. Since they are an important part of the covenant community, we try to engage them throughout the service. We also have worksheets available to assist their interaction (Ages 5-6, 7-8, 9+).

Sunday School

Sunday school is available for children aged 3-5. Those who wish to go out to Sunday School usually join in with public worship and usually leave prior to the sermon. The aim of Sunday school is to support Christian parents in training their children and maturing them to be strong men and women of faith.


Creche’ facilities are available in the Church hall during the service. Alternatively, there is also a space at the back of the church with mat and toys if parents wish to stay in the Church auditorium.

Children's Bible class (age 9-12)

Also, known as Catechism class, this involves going through key Bible doctrine. The class is usually lasts for 30mins soon after the morning service.



Small group Bible studies are held every second week to provide a context for Bible study, fellowship, encouragement and prayer. Currently, we have a Senior's Bible study (Wed. AM), Ladies Bible study (AM), and a mixed  bible study group (evening). Please contact us if you would like to be connected to a small group.

Ladies lunches

These provide a great opportunity for our women to come together in a relaxed setting to see, smell, taste, and enjoy a festive lunch. It’s also a great context to invite our Christian and non-Christian friends. So, if you would like to be pampered with a special afternoon out, please register your interest.

Men’s breakfasts

These provide a great opportunity for the blokes to pull out the BBQ and literally chew the fat! Of course, there are the healthy options too! In addition to the food, it’s a great context for men to come together for fellowship and encouragement. It’s also a context, for us to invite our Christian and non-Christian friends. Contact us to register your interest.


Community playgroup

Come and join a community of parents and caregivers from the local area. At this playgroup your young children (newborn to school age) will have the opportunity make friends and develop new skills as they spend time playing, singing, doing crafts and reading stories.

Please come along on Thursday mornings from 9:30-11:00 during the school term. We'd love to meet you! To register your interest please contact us for further information.

Religious Instruction (R.I)

We support and are involved in the work of RI in our local schools. For more information on becoming part of the RI team, or to assist in another way, please contact us for further information.

Craft group

The craft group meets every second Wednesday morning at 9:30am to make cards, paint, sketch, and such like. So, if you would like to express your creativity with others, please contact us us for more information.

Christianity Explored

'Christianity Explored' is a relaxed and informal seven week course that gives people space and time to think about the big questions of life. Over seven sessions in Mark’s Gospel, guests find out more about the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus Christ.  Please contact us and register your interest.

Global Missions

G.O.S.P.E.L (India)

As part of our denomination, we support around 70 evangelists in central India. They predominately come from and minister to the Bhil tribe which is one of the most unreached people groups in the world! By God’s grace, these evangelists have been used mightily in building Christ’s church amongst that tribe. Our denomination continues to invest directly in their work and also their training so that this very young church can grow to maturity.

Various ministries

We also support and collect money throughout the year for Wycliffe Bible translators, Reformed Theological college, World Transform, Leprosy Mission, Christian Witness to Israel, Solomon Islands, Middle East Reformed Fellowship, Bible League, Crossroad Prison ministry, RESS Chaplaincy, Church planting taskforce, various denomination ministries, as well as a number of diaconal needs that arise.