
You might think that Christianity is all about keeping certain rules so that we might have a better chance of making it to heaven, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! The message of Christianity is not that we 'climb up’ to God, but rather that God in His grace has come down to us!

The Bible highlights that all that is wrong with the world can be summarised in one word:  SIN. And sin affects every part of our lives including our thoughts, words, and actions. Sin in turn has a devastating impact on our relationships with other people. Most of all it has a devastating impact on our relationship with God who stands against all that is evil. It was because of sin that God punished the world with death, and it is because of sin that we must appear before God on judgment day.

So what’s the solution? It is not that we must become good enough to pay our debts with respect to sin. Rather, the solution is JESUS CHRIST. The Bible says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (Jn. 3:16) The good news is that the Son of God comes to do a swap. He takes  upon Himself our sin and receives the due punishment. And the perfect life of the Son of God is credited/given to us. On what basis? On the basis of God’s amazing love. So, it is not something we earn, but something we receive by faith.

The good deeds of Christians then do not have 'earning’ power. Rather, the good deeds are an expression of our love and devotion to God as we find our desires being changed by the Holy Spirit. And although the Christian will face many trials, the Holy Spirit is filling our hearts with new joy, peace, and contentment which is welling up within as we consider what Christ has done, and what He still plans to do.  For, one day Jesus Christ will take us home to be with Himself in the new world where all believers will enjoy perfect harmony with God and with each other. Meanwhile all those who reject the Son will have to face the wrath of God without a Saviour. How can you be saved from sin? "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved." (Ac. 16:31)